Re: Re: Hello World, The Trum
By: Dumas Walker to HALIAN on Fri Jul 19 2024 09:24 am
I bet the Democrat convention next month will be VERY interesting.
I hope they nominate someone that can win this time, unlike in 2016. We could have had Bernie, and yet the superdelegates screwed us.
You got screwed in 2020, too, when the DNC made a couple of other
candidates step aside, and give their delegates to Biden so that Biden could beat Bernie.
This year, if things go as predicted, they will ignore the will of the Democrat primary voters and nominate someone who maybe wasn't even on the primary ballot. So much for protecting our "Democratic processes."
Bernie sanders is just another bought politician.
he would be as bad or worse than joe biden.
Right now i'm pretty sure obiden is going to step down in the campaign, if not the presidency. Especially since obama went public with saying he should drop it and other vocal 'movie stars' voiced their opinions.
This country is shit, i just hope trump wins and people can eventually drop this culture of division that the democratic party has pushed since obama.
We're headed to a civil war.
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